• December 2015

  • ROS Software - Robot Moves
    This post sums up the past week’s reading and tinkering to get the basic software in place and the wheels moving under control of ROS.
    Posted in rosbot on 06 December, 2015

  • November 2015

  • Start of ROS 2-Wheeled Robot
    One of my long-term goals is to build a small quadcopter for underground mine exploration which can go boldly where braver men fear to tread - or w...
    Posted in rosbot on 28 November, 2015

  • May 2015

  • Engine out
    The new engine crane arrived last week so today was the day to remove the engine.
    Posted in red-rover on 03 May, 2015

  • April 2015

  • Offside Front Rail Repairs (Day 6)
    The aim for today was to finish the remaining patch on the front crossmember, finish the welds on the offside rail, fit the offside hanger and temp...
    Posted in red-rover on 26 April, 2015

  • Offside Front Rail Repairs (Day 5)
    A change of pace initially, today. Instead of big lumps of plate, I had to patch a small curved area in the top of the steering relay tunnel. I c...
    Posted in red-rover on 21 April, 2015

  • Offside Front Rail Repairs (Day 4)
    This is the first decent block of time I’ve had to spend on the Land Rover for about a month, what with it being Birthday season and all. I manage...
    Posted in red-rover on 20 April, 2015

  • March 2015

  • Nearside Front Rail Finished (Day 3)
    Carrying on with the nearside front rail from the last post, I fitted a couple of internal strengthening plates under the top and outside welds the...
    Posted in red-rover on 22 March, 2015

  • Nearside Front Rail (Day 2)
    With the front offside patching finished, I’m back to the nearside reconstruction. Here’s a reminder of where I left it:
    Posted in red-rover on 13 March, 2015

  • Offside Rail Repairs (Day 3)
    Time to do the big patch along the top of the front offside rail. In case you need a reminder, here’s how it looked before I started:
    Posted in red-rover on 09 March, 2015

  • Offside Rail Repairs (Day 2)
    While I wait for the steel plate to do the major nearside front repairs from yesterday, I decided to carry on with the main chassis rail repairs on...
    Posted in red-rover on 01 March, 2015