Land Rover Restoration

Offside Front Rail Repairs (Day 4)

This is the first decent block of time I’ve had to spend on the Land Rover for about a month, what with it being Birthday season and all. I managed a few short sessions but didn’t really achieve much worth writing about until now.

On the offside rail itself, I decided to cut back a bit further than I’d done in my last post to make sure I really was back to good steel. I also needed to straighten the outer plate of the rail slightly as it looks like previous repairs were a bit wonky. Then I cut a few plates and tacked them in place.

The replacement front hanger now fits over perfectly and everything lines up when the front bumper is offered up.

Moving on to the crossmember, I repaired the front plate, cut away the rest of the bad steel on top and removed a jumble of rotten and badly fitted brackets on the back.

There are some more repairs needed on the back of the crossmember which I uncovered after removing the brackets but those’ll be easier to get at after I’ve removed the engine. When I fit the top plate, I’ll just tack it onto the back for now so I can refit the front axle and get the engine lifted (after I’ve bought the actual hoist).

Posted on 20 April 2015