• July 2016

  • Wiring, Spindle and First Test
    With a clear weekend ahead of me, it was time to finish this project. First up was wiring the stepper motors. With the exception of briefly forge...
    Posted in mpcnc on 31 July, 2016

  • Building the Base
    Finally, following pay day, I’ve been able to get the last bits to finish this project. First up is the base which I’ve decided to build from mela...
    Posted in mpcnc on 28 July, 2016

  • Z-Axis Assembly
    Hot on the heels of yesterday’s assembly, today is the turn of the z-axis. The nut holders from the official parts were too wide for the internal ...
    Posted in mpcnc on 14 July, 2016

  • Initial Frame Assembly
    Well, our Maker Month didn’t quite work out as planned - illness, family commitments and a blocked printer nozzle all colluded to result in very li...
    Posted in mpcnc on 13 July, 2016

  • June 2016

  • Assembling the Middle Section
    With the last of the middle section parts printed last week, it was time to assemble it. There was a fair amount of fettling needed to get the bea...
    Posted in mpcnc on 15 June, 2016

  • Can You Tell What It Is Yet?
    Fran and I are having a “maker month” where we spend every weekday evening in the workshop rather than in front of the TV. Today is Day 1 and my f...
    Posted in mpcnc on 01 June, 2016

  • May 2016

  • New Spool Holder
    As I mentioned in my initial Kossel post, the filament spool holder is a little tight and doesn’t hold the spool securely during transit so I’ve be...
    Posted in kossel-mini on 30 May, 2016

  • Improved Sliders
    One of the biggest remaining issues with my Kossel Mini is the wobbly sliders/carriages. The slider bearings supplied with the kit are very low qu...
    Posted in kossel-mini on 28 May, 2016

  • The King is Dead - Long Live the King!
    The time has come to say farewell to my Prusa i2. It’s served me reasonably well for the past few years but has been beset with annoying reliabili...
    Posted in prusa-i2 on 22 May, 2016

  • Say Hello to Mr. Kossel
    This is a retrospective post covering the past couple of months from choosing my new 3D printer to assembly and initial improvements.
    Posted in kossel-mini on 22 May, 2016