Reprap Prusa i2

The King is Dead - Long Live the King!

The time has come to say farewell to my Prusa i2. It’s served me reasonably well for the past few years but has been beset with annoying reliability issues, the last being a broken hot end thermistor which conveniently occurred just before my birthday. So, birthday money in hand, I decided to buy something a bit more modern.

The Prusa has now been dismantled, the salvageable parts stored for future use and the stuff not worth saving is in the bin. Having had the new printer running reliably for a while, I have no regrets about scrapping the Prusa - its days have been numbered for a while - but I also don’t regret having built it. At the time, it was the most cost-effective way to get into 3D printing and I learned a lot in the process of building, using and maintaining it. But it’s time was definitely up.

Posted on 22 May 2016