• May 2017

  • Future X-Copter Plans
    On the basis that you can never have too many projects in flight at the same time …
    Posted in quadx450 on 07 May, 2017

  • April 2017

  • The Initial Plan and Prototype
    We play badminton with a couple of friends every week. It’s great fun but we’re all getting older and keeping track of the score is becoming more ...
    Posted in badscore on 30 April, 2017

  • Basic Face Detection

    Posted in compvis on 06 April, 2017

  • March 2017

  • Extra Leg Joints

    Posted in allbot on 31 March, 2017

  • Computer Vision Test Platform
    As part of learning about robotics and ROS, the time has come to start playing with computer vision software in the shape of OpenCV. To do this, I...
    Posted in compvis on 29 March, 2017

  • Power Board
    To allow the Allbot to operate untethered, I need to find a suitable on-board power supply. The off-the-shelf product includes a shield with 4xAA ...
    Posted in allbot on 17 March, 2017

  • Beginning with the AllBot
    I stumbled across Velleman’s Allbot a short while ago and thought it looked like a fun project so, as they publish printable versions of the plasti...
    Posted in allbot on 14 March, 2017

  • February 2017

  • Houston ...
    Since my last post, I’ve been dipping in and out of the Antdroid software for this project and it’s now time for an update. Shortly before Christm...
    Posted in hexapod on 02 February, 2017

  • December 2016

  • Camera Mount
    The Raspberry Pi camera module arrived the other day … and it’s definitely not a good fit for the printed camera mount. I had a choice of either d...
    Posted in hexapod on 04 December, 2016

  • November 2016

  • Body Assembled
    I finished the legs a couple of weeks ago and have been waiting for a sheet of 3mm perspex to arrive so I could cut the body plates. That arrived ...
    Posted in hexapod on 03 November, 2016