Body Assembled
I finished the legs a couple of weeks ago and have been waiting for a sheet of 3mm perspex to arrive so I could cut the body plates. That arrived the other day and, after tweaking the CNC router, I got down to cutting! There were a few failures along the way as I worked out what settings to use to cut perspex sheet - thankfully I anticipated this and ordered more than I needed! Anyway, the plates are done and look great:
I also designed a neck to hold the original camera support and redesigned the body separators to attach with M3 hardware to work with the new plates. Here it is loosely assembled:
I’m still working out the details of the PCB production which might take a while and I won’t be getting the Raspberry Pi or a few other things I’ll need to finish this build until the end of this month so don’t expect any major updates for a while.
Posted on 03 November 2016