• October 2016

  • Proper Test Flight
    The carbon props arrived the other day so I fitted them and did a hover test in our back garden. It managed a smidge over 20 minutes which is abou...
    Posted in quadx450 on 02 October, 2016

  • GoPro Gimbal Holder
    With this build coming to a close, I’ve been getting down to the final tweaking, testing and tuning. One thing I found while doing this is that th...
    Posted in quadx450 on 02 October, 2016

  • September 2016

  • The First Leg
    The servos and other leg hardware arrived and I’ve printed the various parts (coxa, femurs and tibia) over the past few days. The original tibia w...
    Posted in hexapod on 28 September, 2016

  • Starting the Hexapod
    With the quadcopter close to completion, I’ve started looking at my next project - something fun for the autumn and winter nights. Last year I mad...
    Posted in hexapod on 25 September, 2016

  • FPV Camera Gimbal
    The last design task on this build is the FPV camera gimbal. I also needed to incorporate the MinimOSD board as it wouldn’t fit in the main body b...
    Posted in quadx450 on 24 September, 2016

  • New Motors & Battery
    Since my last post, the new motors and 8000mAH battery have arrived and been fitted. Compared to the last motors, these are monsters! The battery...
    Posted in quadx450 on 22 September, 2016

  • We Have to Talk About the Motors
    Alright, I’m going to be honest here - the results of my first test flights earlier in the week have left me rather disappointed. In terms of sens...
    Posted in quadx450 on 11 September, 2016

  • New Brushless Gimbal Controller
    When I bought the 2-axis gimbal around this time last year, the only controller on the readily available cheap gimbals was a SimpleBGC clone so tha...
    Posted in quadx450 on 10 September, 2016

  • Power Module Mount
    A quick post showing the mount I’ve designed to secure the power module below the receiver rather than having it flapping around in the breeze. Th...
    Posted in quadx450 on 09 September, 2016

  • Voltage Sensor
    While doing the initial flight tests, I noticed that the low battery alert I’d set up on the handset wasn’t working. To be honest, it’s been so lo...
    Posted in quadx450 on 06 September, 2016