X450 Quadcopter

FPV Camera Gimbal

The last design task on this build is the FPV camera gimbal. I also needed to incorporate the MinimOSD board as it wouldn’t fit in the main body but there was plenty of room below the body, alongside the power module and UBEC. The whole assembly is the most complex piece in this project and it took a while to design but I got there eventually. Here are the various components:

Here it is assembled:

And here it is fitted:

There’s a decent amount of rotational movement so I just need to configure it in the flight controller which I’ll do next week.

With everything now done except fitting and testing the new 11x5.5 propellers, which are due next week, this project is drawing to a close. I’ll do a final write-up when it’s all done.

Posted on 24 September 2016