
Starting the Hexapod

With the quadcopter close to completion, I’ve started looking at my next project - something fun for the autumn and winter nights. Last year I made a start on a 2-wheeled robot to learn about ROS but that project stalled and my mate Dave has since told me about a cool hexapod project based on ROS called Antdroid which seems like a great entry to ROS. So I’m going to build one of those now and come back to the 2-wheeled robot later, once I’m more familiar with ROS.

Of course, it’s never quite that simple. A few of the parts are too large for my printbed so I’m going to need to either adapt or redesign those, and I’m going to go the custom PCB route rather than use a load of separate components so I’ll need to make some major improvements to my PCB production capabilities.

Posted on 25 September 2016