Mini TAZ6 Clone

TAZ Frame Completed

After much printing (including a surprisingly good performance by my new Form Futura printing surface on some large prints without a heated bed), all the plastic parts needed to assemble the frame and axes are complete. I also found some 2020 aluminium extrusion at a superbly low price so ordered 10 metres of the stuff - ideal for this project and plenty left for other things. Here’s the finished result:

I had to design some corner brackets because I had no intention of paying lots of money for some nice metal OpenBuilds ones and none of the printable ones I found were quite right. The result is a very solid frame - so solid that I may not even bother redoing the corner brackets on my CNC router when it’s built. I’ve got a few small bits of hardware on order from Hong Kong which are expected to arrive around the same time as my next pay packet so that’s when the next stage of this build - the electronics housing - will proceed. In the meantime I’ll print things like the extruder and other parts ready for future use.

Posted on 03 August 2017