X450 Quadcopter

X450 Quadcopter Status

This project has been quietly ticking along in the background for a couple of years but has so far avoided being written-up here as it just involved assembling off-the-shelf components. However, that’s now changed.

This quadcopter is primarily used for aerial surveying of historic mining sites with a local mines research group of which I’m a member. We had a few successful flights last year but also identified a number of areas where improvements were needed. At the end of 2015, I decided to rebuild the quadcopter with a new under-slung HD camera and some custom plates to hold the electronics. I had arranged to use a local business’ CNC router to cut the plates over the winter and return it to service in the spring but, as with many promises of access to fancy machinery, it failed to transpire and I eventually decided to take matters into my own hands.

So far, I have a big pile of bits. Here they are:

And here’s a quick sketch of the planned layout of the major components:

Designs for the new plates are in progress and fibreglass sheets have been ordered so this should start moving soon.

Posted on 14 August 2016